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Township Officers |
Miller, Chas. A. - supervisor |
Ross, G. F. - clerk |
Goodell, Joel - assessor |
Clark, Jos. - township collector |
Clark, H. M. -justice |
Elliott, John F. - justice |
Nichols, A. J. - constable |
Sill, Geo. N. - constable |
Matteson, Wm. M. - highway commissioner |
Alcott, J. B. - highway commissioner |
Adams, S. L. - highway commissioner |
Rockwell, H. T. - school trustee |
Colton, M. W. - school trustee |
Baker, Ed. - school trustee |
City Government |
Hunt, F. B. - mayor |
Durant, Sam'l - clerk |
Ross, Geo. F. - attorney |
Glos, H. A. - treasurer |
Lake, C. A. - marshal |
Aldermen |
Clark, H. M. - first ward |
Brownell, E. A. - first ward |
Trumbull, John P. - second ward |
Marsden, Thomas - second ward |
Haslehurst, Henry B. - third ward |
Ferson, George - third ward |
Churches - pastors |
Bary, Emil B. - Baptist |
Zara, M. - Catholic |
Belt, S. D. - Congregational |
Kent, Frank - Free Methodist |
Searl, S. - Meth. Episcopal |
Secret Orders: |
Unity Lodge, No. 48, A. F. and A. M. |
Rockwell, H. T. - W.M. |
Clark, H. M. - secretary |
St. Charles Lodge, No. 14, I. O. O. F. |
Morse, Levi - N. G. |
Adams, S. L. - Sec'y |
Waubonsie Encampment, No. 13, I. O. O. F. |
O'Brien, J. - C.P. |
Bowman, F. H. - scribe |
St. Charles Cornet Band |
Ferson, John H. - president |
Colson, J. F. - secretary |
Doherty, James - treasurer |
Anderson, Albert - leader |
Jennings, R. B. - assistant leader |
The band consists of twenty pieces. |
Advertisers: |
Adams, S. L. - staple and fancy groceries |
Anderson, C. A. - corner store, West Main Street |
Alexander, F. W. - contractor and builder, Second Street, south of livery stable |
Baird, J. C. - banking, east side, St. Charles |
Barry, A. H. - Botsford, Barry & Russell, attorneys and counselors at law |
Bishop, Wm. H. - M.D., office at residence, west Second street, two blocks south of Main |
Botsford, R. N. - Botsford, Barry & Russell, attorneys and counselors at law |
Bowman, F. H. - Hardware, West Side, St. Charles |
Crawford, H. M. - M.D., office at residence, north of park, east St. Charles |
Culverson, William - livery, one door west from the Mallory House |
Curtis, T. M. - new wagon shop |
Elliott, John F. - justice of the peace and collecting agent |
Furnald, J. P. - merchant tailoring |
Gould, C. W. - creamery butter, Elgin |
Harroun, Horace - groceries |
Hinman, A. W. - M.D., office in Dearborn's block, west side, St. Charles |
Lloyd, W. B. - The Little Store Around the Corner |
McWilliams, D. Jr. - Harness, saddles and collars, West Main Street |
Moore, D. B. - blacksmith, West Second Street, north of Main |
Osgood, George W. - groceries, crockery and wallpaper |
Parker, J. W. - dealer in furniture and agricultural implements |
Richmond, James F. Capt. - visits from Chicago |
Rockwell, Henry T. - fire and life insurance |
Roche, N. T. - coal seller |
Russell, J. A. - Botsford, Barry & Russell, attorneys & counselors at law, office, rms 1 & 2, Barker's block |
Ryan, T. E. - attorney at law, office on west side, St. Charles |
Sayles, Mrs. A. - millinery store, one door east of Dr. DeWolf's drug store |
Sill, Robert T. Dr. - visits from Chicago |
Van Patten, J. S. - The Pioneer Drug Store |
Ward, L. C. - boots, shoes, slippers |
Zabriski, D. L. - drugs |
News articles: |
Adams, S. L. - hosted party |
Alexander, Frank - work on home |
Alexander, Frank Jr. - completing work on Samuel Brown house |
Almy, Edward B. - killed at Cortland |
Baird, C. W. - home being repaired |
Baird, William - now in Paris |
Balldridge, M. M. - home once had strawberry patch |
Ballou, W. P. - YMCA organized at DeKalb |
Barry, Hon. W. D. - give speech at Blackberry |
Bartlett, S. P. - Quincy fish commissioner sends fish |
Bary, E. B. Rev. - helps family of drowning victim |
Bassett, A. J. - resigns at Geneva station agent |
Belt, S. D. Rev. - preached a stirring sermon |
Bowers, Rudolph - opens a photo gallery |
Bowman, C. S. - owns Eaton home |
Bowman, Edward H. - graduate from Michigan University |
Bradshaw, S. P. - DeKalb soap factory demolished by lightning |
Braunhold, Louis - artist visiting St. Charles |
Brown, John A. - repairing his house |
Brown, Samuel - additional drowning |
Brown, Samuel - additional on aid to family |
Brown, Samuel - drowns |
Burling, J. H. - supervising repairs to a home |
Colton, M. W. - grove is site of Sunday school |
Crawford, Dr. - attends to farm accident victim |
Crawford, S. K. - visits from Benton County, Mo |
Davidson, C. H. - visited from Minn.; son-in-law of James Wheeler |
DeMarbelle, Dion - whilom teacher |
DePew, Chauncey M. - withdraws from Senate race |
DeWolf, Dr. - tends to farm accident victim |
Dearborn, Lydia - attending Indiana school |
Dewey, John F. - spoke at camp meeting |
Durant, James T. - repairing his home |
Eaton, Ithiel - apples hung over his fence |
Ferson, John - hired man ill |
Ferson, John - tells tall tale |
Flannery, Michael - improving |
Fowler, Eugene K. - hit by grape shot at Vicksburg |
Furnald, J. P. - repairing his roof |
Gallagher, J. T. - raises money for drowning victim's family |
Goodhue, Mrs. David - visited from Roscoe, Ill. with daughter Mrs. Barnes |
Gould, Mrs. C. W. - ill for some time |
Griscom, (?) - goes on a fast |
Hammond, Phebe Mrs. - host at M.E. social |
Huls, Mrs. S. B. - is ill |
Johnson, Frank - new landlord of Blackberry hotel |
Joy, Olin C. - returned from Grand Junction, Iowa |
Kayner, D. P. - letter from Antelope Springs, Colo. |
Kayner, Theodore D. - visits for a vacation |
Lewis, Clark - band goes to his home |
Lloyd, J. N. - in business in restaurant and boarding house |
Lungreen, Charles - sprained his ankle |
Marvin, boy - Aurora boy found in Chicago |
McDole, S. P. - fish commissioner receives fish |
Meredith, Thomas - pitcher for Batavia base ball club |
Metcalf, Lois - attending Indiana school |
Miller, Charles A. - elected chairman of board of supervisors |
Morgan, A. D. - ice cream goes astray |
Nichols, A. J. - hurt on farm |
Osgood, W. F. - repairs on his house |
Osgood, W. F. - severe attack of bilious colic |
Parker, Etta Miss - attends Chicago art school |
Perkins, John - farm hand in accident |
Pettingill, J. C. - had strawberry patch |
Pierson, T. F. - best place to buy groceries |
Powers, Wesley - has hemerrhoids |
Roberts, boy - Aurora boy killed |
Rolph, Prof. - St. Charles artist |
Scheutze, Fred - damage to hay crop |
Sill, Henry - started career as painter |
Storrs, Emery A. - delivered address in Michigan |
Swift, John - died suddenly near Carpentersville |
Tyrell, Webb - organized Y MCA at DeKalb |
Vaughn, Nancy - turned 110 |
Veeder, Theo. - visited from Chicago |
Webb, John - on hand for band visit to Batavia |
Wheeler, James T. - son-in-law Davidson visits from Minn. |
Wheeler, T. A. Mrs. - daughter married Mr. Joy |
Whilden, Edward - Big Rock township settler died |
Wilson, Dr. - appointed to state board of dental examiners |
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